Heal Endometriosis Naturally Programs


Identifying The 5 P's (Poisons; Produce, Products, Property, People & Past) & Learning HOW To Embrace Emotions For Real Long Lasting Healing.

Everything you need to put your condition into remission is laid out in my book How I Ended My Endometriosis Naturally. In my book you learn how to start to address The first 3 of the 5 P's (Poisons; Produce, Products, Property, People & Past). 
The Produce, Products & Property are actually the easiest(!) elements to make the changes in, but many empaths & sensitive women need more emotional support and encouragement to uncover and unblock emotional elements and final 2 P's; People & Past - and this is where my programs can help. The programs are carefully and lovingly designed to gently unblock emotional blocks, embrace formerly scary emotions (easily) and allow for full body, heart, mind and spiritual healing.

The 21 Day Challenge is an excellent starter program which offers a wealth of important information to educate, inspire and empower you as you start this new journey to becoming an EndoBoss®!

Press Play To Hear A Personal Message From Wendy

Press Play To Hear A Personal Message From Wendy


Your Route To A New You & A Pain Free Body

These programs represent everything that worked for me on my healing journey. I offer you absolutely everything that I used to heal my stage IV endometriosis and many other conditions, so that you can heal yours too.


A Route To A PAIN-FREE Body, By Identifying The 5 P's (Poisons) & Embracing Emotions, Mind & Spirit

These programs represent what worked for me on my healing journey. I share with you absolutely everything that I used to heal my stage IV endometriosis, adenomyosis and many other conditions, so that you can heal yours too.

A Personal Message From Wendy

"What makes my online Programs different are their deep level personalisation and the natural, holistic, whole woman/whole body approach we use" (see Circle of Health).

That means every woman is treated with respect and a deep understanding of the physical, mental, emotional, relational and spiritual elements that need to be considered for full healing to occur. 

Our EndoBoss® Team knows every single one of our student's personally; we know their story, their struggles, their challenges and, of course, their visions and dreams once the endometriosis condition has been put in remission. You won't ever receive a copy and paste message back.  All emails are reviewed and considered before responses and each woman knows we know her and care about her journey.

We believe in empowerment of our clients and follow 'tried and tested' processes to guide women to heal naturally using the Laidlaw Protocols. The Laidlaw Protocols include addressing The 5 'P's' (Poisons), The 3 Daily Basics and focusing on all areas within the Circle of Health. 

Our mission is to inspire, guide and EMPOWER all women to find and connect to their own inner guidance system, instincts and learn how to support their body in a new, holistic and healthy way. 

Finally, we take the time to hold a safe place and space for women find the real meaning behind why endometriosis has shown up in their bodies, then learn what their purpose and mission in life, and of course, to help them put the condition into remission for good.  

My EndoBoss® Team make the time and take the time because we care!

To your health!"

Your Journey Awaits, So Learn More About The 

EndoBoss® 21 Day Challenge

- Stage #1. -

The Online 21-Day Challenge is a fabulous SELF STUDY starter online program to help you understand the importance of self-care and connection to your emotions in relation to endometriosis and adenomyosis through the brain-body connection as you start to consider this new EndoBoss® pathway.

If you suffer from anxiety, stress, worry, fear and/or sadness, then this program will teach you how to connect in a whole new way to your feelings and emotions using practical, science-based tools.

The 21-Day Challenge lets you see what it is like to learn online and interact with our lovely EndoBoss® Team. You will be gently Challenged every day to uncover what lies within you and learn how to listen to your instincts, how to journal every morning, and use deep relaxation over 21 Days.

Over 21 Days, you will learn how to integrate essential self-care protocols into your life without guilt and start to take small but necessary and investigative steps towards increasing your awareness about what is happening with your feelings, emotions, heart, mind and body.

Start on this NEW empowering journey to be sure you have the correct focus, mindset and life vision to become a boss of your endometriosis - an Unstoppable EndoBoss®.

Normally £497

NOW Only £297 

(*And when you fully COMPLETE the 21 Day Challenge, you get a Special Finisher's Price.)

(This is a impactful introductory Program to online learning giving new tools plus it shows you the quality of information and materials available and provided by Wendy - please do NOT expect to heal your endometriosis in 21 days., it takes a minimum of 12 months+).

UnBlock Emotional Blocks - 
21 Day Challenge

- Stage #1

This Online 21-Day Challenge Self Study Program is an excellent next step in increasing 'emotional awareness'.  This online program has been expertly designed to help you understand the importance of the emotional connection, the subconscious and the Brain-Body impact. This is achieved through learning essential self-care (without guilt) and understanding how to turn your sensitivity into a strength. 

You will learn how to unblock subconscious emotional blocks easily (and safely) and recognise any unhelpful conditioning and thought patterns as you consider this new empowering pathway to understanding any disease that has shown up in your body (especially endometriosis and adenomyosis.)

If you suffer from anxiety, stress, worry, fear, depression and/or sadness, this program will teach you, using practical, science-based tools, how to connect with yourself in a whole new way to your feelings and emotions.

The 21-Day Challenge content is drip-fed each day and allows you to see what it is like to learn online, interacting with other like-minded people on the Private Facebook Group and our lovely support EndoBoss® Support Team. 

You will be gently Challenged every day on HOW to gently uncover the innate wisdom that lies deep within you and learn how to listen to your instincts and intuition. 

You will receive 21 Days of pre-recorded videos and educational Masterclasses from Wendy, have explorative daily online questionnaires to help expand your awareness about yourself, learn the power of journalling and meditating (in a new way) and use deep relaxation to start the healing journey.

Over 21 Days, you will learn how to integrate essential self-care daily protocols into your life, easily and without guilt (and to get partners and family onboard with you) whilst taking small ant-sized steps towards increasing your awareness about what is happening with your feelings, emotions, heart, mind and body.

Start on this NEW empowering journey to be sure you have the correct focus, mindset and life vision to become an emotional master.

Normally £697

NOW Only £297

(*And when you fully COMPLETE the 21 Day Challenge, you get a Special Finisher's Prize).

(This is a impactful introductory Program to online learning giving new tools plus it shows you the quality of information and materials available and provided by Wendy - please do NOT expect to heal any physical conditions in 21 days.).

EndoBoss Coach Training (2.0)

- Stage #6 - 

The EndoBoss® Coaching Academy is a 12 weeks online training program that will train you to become an EndoBoss® Coach (upon successful completion of the previous steps on the pathway.)

It is ideally suited for women who are heart-centred, natural caregivers, (and also for teachers, health care practitioners, coaches or nurses) who wish to continue their education and progress to training as a Certified EndoBoss® Coach.

It consists of educating you on how to teach others to implement the Laidlaw Protocols and how to properly coach for the best results.

You will also likely see continued benefits in your own health and emotions as you continue to learn additional information and begin to understand previously learnt information from the EndoBoss® Academy more deeply and in the view as an Embracing Emotions facilitor and body-based coaching model, what we call 'Coachling' which is a mixed of coaching and deep body-based listening. 

Essential elements for building your online business are included like how to set up your business basics, referral programs, how to present your website and online marketing guidelines and templates.

Entry into EndoBoss® Coaching Training is by application only. 

Certification is completed as an additional stage with evidence of appropriate coaching hours completed.

Normally £17,987

All for only £5,997


Certification element of coach training is an additional stage once evidence of appropriate coaching hours has been submitted to our EndoBoss® Team for verification.

Only £1,997

Join Wendy at 5 Day Luxury Retreat in Portugal

Next Retreat - Portugal 
October 2025

Exclusive Transformational Retreat Over 5 Days/4 Nights

- Stage #2 - 

Join Wendy K Laidlaw LIVE for  5 days in a luxurious venue in southern Portugal, in Europe. Limited spaces are available to attend this transformative in-person Mastermind event with the Founder,

You will stay in the all-inclusive luxury accommodation where, during the day, you will be given a wealth of personal information, education and inspiration (and specific strategies) to help you learn new and empowering tools to address any negative relationships and/or people in your life and the past that may be unresolved in the subconscious and triggering your nervous system and immune system.

In this Embracing Emotions group, you will learn how to set new empowering boundaries and know the five different types of boundaries depending on the person's toxicity to you. You will also learn how to be assertive rather than aggressive and ensure respect in all new relationships.

There will be advanced role-playing and tools for embracing your emotions in an advanced set of protocols specifically designed for supporting and addressing the Perfectionist Part, Pusher Part and People Pleasing Part.

You will also benefit from a strength & conditioning workshop, breathing work, deep meditation and yoga sessions while serving the highest quality organic, locally produced food.

Limited spaces are available with a maximum of 4 participants for deep and more personalised healing, relaxation and support.

Next Retreat - Portugal 
October 2025


**Email Support@HealEndometriosisNaturally.com to join wait list**

EndoBoss® CLIENT Academy (3.0)

- Stage #3 - 

The EndoBoss® Academy Online Program is open for a maximum of 2-4 women once a year to work with Wendy's top team and Head Coach to personally and lovingly address The 5 P's (Poisons) interfering with and prohibiting the natural healing process in a woman's body.

The educational, informative and highly supportive online program comprises of several parts; Foundation Program, Advanced Program, Advanced PLUS Program and others, combined and conducted over 12 months with expert and specialist emotional support.

It has been carefully designed and written to give women science-based information, education, theory and practical skills for women with endometriosis, adenomyosis, infertility and/or ovarian cysts to understand their bodies better.

The Academy will teach and educate through science-based material and case studies to help set women up for success in learning to read the signs and symptoms of their own bodies and emotions.

The training covers all of the Laidlaw Protocols including the Daily Basics and 5 Poisons. We also address topics on women’s hormonal health, nutritional therapy, neuroscience and psychology. 

The EndoBoss® Academy program offers a wealth of science-based information and in-depth support with 1-1 coaching with a specialised Embracing Emotions Coach* and personalised Group Q&As* and VIP premium email Support.. 

Entry into EndoBoss® Academy is by application only and only open once a year to get personalised support from the EndoBoss® Team. 

Fully Supported EndoBoss® Academy (12 Months) Online Program (Price on application)

(*This is an impactful Program that provides you with the quality of information, education and awareness to become a boss of your endometriosis. All healing takes time, so expect minimum of 12 months to allow the body, mind and spirit to regenerate. Stage one is twelve months but a further six months maybe required dependant on the person, personal history and procedures (i.e. minimum of 12-18 months). If you are looking for a quick-fix please do not apply. Application only. Spaces are limited due to the personalised nature and support system in place. Join the Wait List for the Fully Supported Program which is available once a year. 

Foundation Program

- Stage #3 - 

The online 12 weeks 'Foundation Program' is a speciality self-study program designed to teach how to start addressing The 5 P's (Poisons) that may be preventing the natural healing process in the body.

The Foundation Program primarily focuses on education and information around the human body and its essential organ systems.

Then it addresses in detail the first poisons; Produce and Products and how women with endometriosis have a high degree of sensitivity to certain foods and ingredients not normally taught in main schools of nutrition.  

There is also information about what to look out for in common supplements ingredients, whilst continued learning about the wide range of beliefs, emotions and psychological Parts that humans have.

This program has been carefully structured to be drip-fed and implemented each week to allow for easy integration and learning.

In addition to the weekly educational pre-recorded MasterClasses, and an exclusive VIP membership site, students will also receive weekly Group Q&A calls with Head Coach who will be answering the top questions.

Normally £9,997

All for only £2,997

(*This is a impactful Foundation Program to online learning gives new tools and it shows you the quality of information and materials available and provided by the program.  Please do NOT expect to heal your endometriosis in 12 weeks although many women have experienced significant improvements in their symptoms. Please note if you are  training as an EndoBoss® coach all programs on the pathway need to be completed in order and prior to certification)..

Advanced Program

- Stage #4 - 

The online 12 weeks 'Foundation Program' is a speciality self-study program designed to teach how to start addressing The 5 P's (Poisons) that may be preventing the natural healing process in the body.

The Foundation Program primarily focuses on education and information around the human body and its essential organ systems.

Then it addresses in detail the first poisons; Produce and Products and how women with endometriosis have a high degree of sensitivity to certain foods and ingredients not normally taught in main schools of nutrition.  

There is also information about what to look out for in common supplements ingredients, whilst continued learning about the wide range of beliefs, emotions and psychological Parts that humans have.

This program has been carefully structured to be drip-fed and implemented each week to allow for easy integration and learning.

In addition to the weekly educational pre-recorded MasterClasses, and an exclusive VIP membership site, students will also receive weekly Group Q&A calls with Head Coach who will be answering the top questions.

Normally £10,897

All for only £3,997

(*This is a impactful Advanced Program to online learning gives new tools and it shows you the quality of information and materials available and provided by the program. Please note if you are  training as an EndoBoss® coach all programs on the pathway need to be completed in order and prior to certification)..
(from those programs above)
"This changed my life! From lying on a couch to being an EndoBoss® Coach"
Susanne, Sweden

(Click this image to watch Susanne's testimonial)

"The doctor said it was a miracle!! The proof is in the photos"
Dianna, Canada

(Click this image to watch Dianna's testimonial)

"Both of my endometriosis AND adenomyosis are in remission!"
 Laura, Uganda

(Click this image to watch Laura's testimonial)

"For it to work in the way it did was astronomical!"
Julie D, USA

(Click this image to watch Jessica's testimonial)

"Doctors said I would never fall pregnant BUT I DID after the EndoBoss® Academy."
Stacey, USA
"I don't feel pain anymore at my periods or when I ovulate."
Rachel, USA 

(Click this image to watch Rachel's testimonial)



"All my pain and endo is gone - and I have photos to confirm it too!"
Joanna, USA

(Click above image to watch Joanna's testimonial)

(Click the above image to enlarge)

"Pain-free and moved to my dream city and my dream job!"
Candace, USA

(Click above image to watch Candace's testimonial)

(Click the above image to enlarge)

"From bedridden to walking the beach with my nieces"
Jessica, UK

(Click above image to watch Jessica's testimonial)

(Click the above image to enlarge)

"I never thought it was possible but look at me now!"
Barbara, Canada

(Click above image to watch Barbara's testimonial)

(Click the above image to enlarge)

"Free from crippling pain after being bedridden for 2 years!"
Julie C., USA

(Click above image to watch Julie C's testimonial)

(Click the above image to enlarge)

"I wish I had met you years ago..."
Heather, USA

(Click above image to watch Heather's testimonial)

(Click the above image to enlarge)



"Thanks to Wendy I fell pregnant even though doctors said it was impossible!"
Joanna, USA
"Doctors said I would never get pregnant. They were so wrong - meet Maddie!"
Stacey, USA
"After years of miscarriages & failed IVF, my daughter had twins"
Julie, USA



Meet Rachel, USA
Meet Rachel, USA
"My pain has disappeared. I don't even feel pain when I ovulate anymore."
"My pain has disappeared. I don't even feel pain when I ovulate anymore."
Meet Bronwyn, Australia
"I lost ten kilos on the program... it has helped my migraines... my digestion is comfortable than it was before & I'm pain-free."
"I lost ten kilos on the program... it has helped my migraines... my digestion is comfortable than it was before and I'm pain-FREE."
Meet Heather
"I really wish I would have met you 10 years ago. It would have saved me a lot of surgery. It would have saved me a lot of damage from the Lupron."
Meet Amy, USA
"I haven't been in pain now for probably 2 months... I don't feel like I have arthritis... I have a lot of energy... I feel 100% better now."
Meet Amy, USA
"I haven't been in pain now for probably 2 months... I don't feel like I have arthritis... I have a lot of energy... I feel 100% better now."


Wendy K Laidlaw

World's Leading Expert On Healing Endometriosis Naturally, Women's Health Pioneer, Author, Mentor & Entrepreneur

Wendy is the world's leading expert in helping women with endometriosis naturally using the Laidlaw Protocols system.  She is also a respected and published best seller author, certified health coach and online entrepreneur.  Wendy's speciality is in educating and empowering women with Endometriosis, (and Adenomyosis & Infertility) to heal naturally. 

Wendy is the Founder of EndoBoss®.com and Heal Endometriosis Naturally.com.

Wendy's books and programs are used by thousands of women around the world to empower themselves to identify the root causes of pain and inflammation.  Wendy teaches women how to conquer their Endometriosis & Adenomyosis conditions and to put them into remission - plus improve their fertility naturally.  

Wendy also trains women to become certified Endometriosis Health Coaches through the EndoBoss® Academy & EndoBoss® Coaching School to help share her powerful and impactful message to millions.

Heal Endometriosis Naturally Founder, Wendy K Laidlaw

Heal Endometriosis Naturally Founder, Wendy K Laidlaw

"Why I Do What I Do"

When you enrol into the EndoBoss® Training, 
we will also donate to the 'Stop Domestic Abuse' Charity to help prevent emotional mistreatment of women in abusive relationships.
Education is KING and here at EndoBoss® Training we believe all women deserve to be made aware, informed, educated, inspired and empowered to live a full and joyful life free of anxiety, fear and pain.

We are proud to be partnered with Stop Domestic Abuse and we donated every time a Program is purchased. 

"Education is the one thing they cannot take away from us".
Martin Luther King
Heal Endometriosis Naturally
Copyright © 2024  |  All Rights Reserved

No Advice

I am not a scientist nor a medical expert on endometriosis. I have read and studied a great deal on the subject, particularly in nutritional therapy and psychotherapy, but by no means exhaustively. What I bring to the table is over 30 years worth of my own healing journey experiences and processes that led to full recovery from the pain and symptoms of endometriosis (and adenomyosis).  

What I share are products and resources that have helped me on my journey but please note that no claims are made for legal purposes. What I describe is a multi-dimensional and pragmatic approach to recovering which worked well for me and changed my life. I am unable to make any claims for legal purposes and cannot promise it will work for every one, only that it worked for me. Although this process may not work for everyone, I hope and pray that it works for you, as it did for me and many women around the world, so you be free of this debilitating condition. Best healing wishes, Wendy K Laidlaw.

Special Notes

This website contains general information about medical conditions and treatments so please use this information responsibly.
HealEndometriosisNaturally or Wendy K Laidlaw are not making any claims for legal purposes and cannot promise it will work for everyone, only that it worked for Wendy and now with other women around the world. The word 'heal' is used in the same way your body heals a cut, graze or burn. The information is not professional medical advice and should not be treated as such.

Professional Assistance

You must not rely solely on the information on this website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.


Nothing in this medical disclaimer will limit any of our liabilities in any way that is not permitted under applicable law, or exclude any of our liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.

Limitation of Warranties

The medical information on this website is provided “as is” without any representations or warranties, express or implied. HealEndometriosisNaturally or Wendy K Laidlaw make no representations or warranties in relation to the medical information on this website. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing paragraph, HealEndometriosisNaturally or Wendy K Laidlaw do not warrant that the medical information on this website will be constantly available, or available at all; or the medical information on this website is complete, true, accurate, up-to-date, or non-misleading. This information is in relation to her own experience and success.

www.HealEndometriosisNaturally.com support@healendometriosisnaturally.ZohoDesk.com